P&H News

5 Reasons You Should Go Motorcycle Touring

Written by Queenie | Dec 2, 2019 3:35:20 PM
Dream of seeing the world? Why not do it on two wheels? Pack your bags, jump on your bike and go - leave your worries behind and hit the open road! If you still need convincing, read on for our 5 top reasons you should go motorcycle touring! 
  • Freedom: Travelling by motorcycle opens up a whole new world of possibilities. It gives you the opportunity to go where you want, when you want. You’re not tied down to any schedule, you don’t need to make it to the station on time, you don’t have to worry about any connecting flights. Hitting the open road on two wheels means the world is your oyster and nothing else quite provides that sense of freedom like exploring new territory, or winding your way up a mountain pass unsure what’s on the other side!


  • The Views: When you’re travelling on your motorcycle you’ll find that you have completely unobstructed access to some incredible views. See something photo worthy? Well, why not stop and take that shot! Looking out the window of a bus/train doesn’t compare to the freedom of being able to stop wherever you like and nail that perfect photo or soak up the scenery!


  • Friendship: We’re of the opinion that while travelling alone can be highly rewarding, it’s even better with friends. While we think there’s definitely happiness to be found in solitary moments, there’s nothing better than standing at the top of a mountain with your buddies, or sharing a beer and a laugh at the end of a long, hard day! The memories you share on the road will last a lifetime, and will deepen any friendship new or old – you will have amazing times, and down days but handling the highs and lows together is one of our favourite things about motorcycle touring.


  • Headspace: There’s no doubt about it – riding a motorcycle can be extremely good for your mental health. Throw some big mountains, stunning lakes or any other amazing scenery that’s out there and you’ll surely find some clarity that you may have missed while sat at home or in the office. There’s something about motorcycle touring that really makes you live “in the moment” which many of us find hard to do when caught up in everyday life.


  • Nature: While you could cruise for miles along the motorway, the real pleasure comes from going off the beaten track, through forests and mountains, resting by lakes, soaking up the views. Escaping the daily grind and reconnecting with nature can completely change your perspective on what is important in life and how simple/uncomplicated life can really be!


Have you been motorcycle touring? If so, what was your favourite thing about it? If you haven't, what is the thing that draws you to it the most? Let us know in the comments!